Appointment of New Directors and a new role for Colin Powell

2020 will see big changes for gcp as we continue to develop the way we manage our business and our in-house talent.  We have always been a forward-looking employer, keen to support the development of the next generation of architects and technologists.  

We are pleased to announce that at the beginning of March, Jeremy Pilling and Jonathan Platt will be joined on the board of directors by two of our senior architects, Jon Briscoe and Tom Mellor.  Jon and Tom bring a wealth of experience and will be a central part of building our business into the future.

At the end of February, Colin Powell will step down as a director, allowing him to focus on his long-standing passion for research around issues for the design and construction of low energy and PassivHaus buildings.  This will become the focus for his new role as ‘energy architect’ within the practice.  He will continue to support colleagues and clients with his extensive knowledge and experience in residential design, particularly supporting the set-up process and advising on the pre-planning design of new projects.


Jeremy Pilling

Managing Director

gcp Chartered Architects