Employee Survey Results #mentalhealthawareness


Two years ago, as part of our mental health and wellbeing initiatives, gcp implemented an Employee Survey. This is the second year of our survey and we are delighted to have once again received 100% participation.

Using quality questions has enabled us to monitor trends year-on-year so that we can build a picture of how we are all doing and we will continue to do this going forward. We will run the survey annually to track changing trends, but are also investigating other forms of feedback, which can be given more regularly so there is less time between whole office check-ins.

We understand the limitations to a survey taken at a moment in time and have a number of other options in place for staff to access support where required.

Below, we have summarised some of the quality question responses and the next steps we are taking in each area.

At gcp, we are really keen on focus weeks, especially for Mental Health & Wellbeing and use them as a time to reflect on progress to date and to put plans in place for the next period.

There is an awareness of mental health at gcp & this is talked about openly

Next Steps:

  • Set up a mental health task group

  • Finalise and publish our new wellbeing & mental health policy

  • Events Group to form a program of inclusive events

I feel confident that I can open up about mental health issues at work

Next Steps:

  • Investigate ways to receive feedback more regularly

  • Monitor the wellbeing and mental health of staff annually via anonymous survey

  • Keep mental health at the forefront of one-to-ones and reviews. Put wellbeing action plans into place for anyone who wants to

  • Keep to one-to-one schedule (these are informal chats with directors, outside of the review system, when any issues or concerns can be raised or feedback given)

  • Offer alternative ways to get support (via our private medical insurance or Mind)

I am aware of the support available to me at work with regards to mental health

Next Steps:

  • Clarify support available

  • Devise a plan for regular updates / training on mental health and support
