Farewell Catriona

Catriona joined gcp back in April for her in-practice-placement, an integral part of her Part 1 course at Bath Uni. Before she finished her placement, we asked her a few questions. Catriona was a great addition to the team and we wish her all the best on her next adventure and her summer in Zambia site managing the construction of sports facilities as part of the ACE2Zambia construction team!

What inspired you to study architecture?

My interest in architecture started when my mum was undergoing treatment for breast cancer at Ninewells Hospital so we spent a lot of time at Maggie’s Dundee. At this time at school we were doing a project where we had to choose a charity and do a presentation on it. My group chose Maggie’s Dundee as our charity so through this project I did a lot of research into Maggie Keswick Jenks and her interest in architecture and Frank Ghery the architect of the Maggie’s Dundee building. This sparked my interest in architecture, and I explored this interest through artwork before starting my degree at the University of Bath in 2019.  

Have you enjoyed your placement with gcp?

I have had a great time working at gcp I have enjoyed the variation of work I have been involved with through working on architecture projects as well as with the marketing team producing graphics. I have also enjoyed the additional site visits gcp have involved me in. These visits have allowed me to gain a knowledge of different construction techniques and detailing.  

How was it different to your expectations of being in a working studio?

I have worked in a practice before so I was familiar with how certain things work however it was a very different experience to my previous practice. I was very grateful for how open the directors were about how the business was run as this allowed me to understand a lot more about the in’s and out’s of an architecture practice.  

What’s your favourite thing that you’ve worked on during your time here?

I have enjoyed all the elements of my work at gcp but I particularly enjoyed one project I was involved with that looked to convert an old Victorian warehouse into houses. I was particularly interested in this project as the existing building had so much character, we worked really hard to retain whilst bringing new opportunities to the area. 

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I am part of the University of Bath Canoe Club and spend a lot of my free time involved in the club. I am regularly involved in pool and river sessions as well as white water trips and Canoe polo tournaments and of course socials.  

What does the future hold for you? What’s next for Catriona?

I am part of a group of 5 civil engineering and architecture students from the University of Bath who are going to Zambia over the summer to project manage the construction of a netball court. Once I leave gcp I have a month to finalise designs and sign the contracts before leaving for Zambia the beginning of July.

In September I will be going into my final year of my Part 1 degree and look forward to bringing the knowledge I have gained from my placement to my studio projects.