gcp plant 68 trees and 69 shrubs to support local tree planting program

gcp have recently teamed up with Avon Needs Trees to support their ambitious tree planting program across the Avon valley. Avon Needs Trees is looking to reforest and rewild the Avon valley by planting trees which will enhance biodiversity, provide natural flood management, improve water and air quality as well as sequester carbon from the air.

By volunteering at the Stanley Lane site gcp managed to plant 68 trees and 69 shrubs which will be maintained by Avon Needs Trees through their ongoing commitment to the site. We also donated to planting at ANT's nearby site at Hazeland and hope that these trees will continue to grow over the coming years and go some way to offsetting the carbon we create as a business in the future.

gcp are committed to tackling climate change both through our designs and our actions. We hope to build off this initial planting session by further developing our carbon tracking, reduction, reporting, and offsetting strategies to better understand how we can make a difference.