WFH Interview: Esther

As you know from previous posts, gcp continues to be fully operational and are here to assist you. In line with government guidelines we are working from home to protect the health, safety and wellbeing of our employees, our clients and the communities we serve.

Working from home is a new experience for many of us, here are Esther’s thoughts on this new situation.

What’s something challenging about working from home? I can honestly say my cats are as distracting as children! If they aren’t climbing on my shoulder for attention then they are sitting in front of my screen or on my keyboard. I have gotten quite good at working one-handed as one has decided to start sleeping in my arms!

What do you like about working from home? Everyone in the office knows how much I like my PJs and onesies so I have loved being able to work in clothes I feel most comfortable in … I do get dressed properly for conference calls though!

It’s nice to break up my day by cooking at lunchtime - allows me to properly give my brain a rest.

I have a window that is nice to look out of.

What do you miss about being in the office? Firstly I miss my walk to the office in the morning. It’s only 20 minutes but it’s along the Bristol to Bath cycle path & it wakes me up. I get to see the sunrise if I’m early enough & I just felt like it started my day right.

Most importantly, I miss the constant & easy communication in the office from serious, informative conversations about work to just general chit chat about the latest TV series.

Thanks to Microsoft Teams we can still communicate as an office, which is important, but it’s not quite as easy as just talking the ear off the person next to you (sorry Matt, realised how much I must do this now I can’t do it every day!)

The view looks a bit different right now, here is Esther’s desk-at-home.

Esther's desk