Another first for gcp

gcp have been at the forefront of service innovation for many years and now we are providing PassivHaus design services, the leading global extreme low energy design standard. gcpConsulting director Colin Powell become the only architect in the West of England region to pass the challenging German PassivHaus examination.

Developed in Germany, PassivHaus is the world leading low energy, low carbon design standard with over 15,000 houses, schools, offices and premises built and performing to standard worldwide. Currently in the UK there are only thirteen certified PassivHaus projects and gcp want to lead the drive to double that number over the next year.

Colin is attending the UK PassivHaus Conference on 24th October to share experience with others and get an update on the latest development in low energy building design from around the world.

PassivHaus adds to the suit of sustainable design services available from gcp Consulting that includes BREEAM and Code for Sustainable Homes design advice and assessments.
For an overview on PassivHaus and how it could help reduce the energy bills of your home, place of work or any other building please call Colin Powell on 0117 932 8888.